MAMAS & PAPAS "Dedicated To The One I Love" 7"(1967)

Life is hard when you drink , at saturday night , some glasses of Chianti italian red wine.
When you wake up you feel something "heavy" and strange in your mind and in your spirit:)...In few words you feel more blank than an usual "watcher" of some Berlusconi televisions sunday show for families.
So, in these "Shocking wake up" situations, nothing better to do that listening to some old vynil of the utopian, joyful, "escapist" 60's.
MAMAS & PAPAS' "Dedicated To The One I Love" (b/w "Free Advice")(Dunhill records, 1967, 7° single by the band) is a wonderful tune that instantly brings to you the pure joy of life.
First recorded by THE SHIRELLES (another favourite band of mine) , the track , in the MAMAS & PAPAS version , became "top five hit"(like all the previous 5 singles released in Los Angeles), reaching n.2 in the U.S. charts.
MICHELLE GILLIAM voice here is an absolute DELIGHT.
MAMAS & PAPAS were between the greatest "HARMONIZERS" of the 60's , I adore them.
More( and not less important!): for all of you italian Quentin Tarantino/ 70's trash culture-movies / Cicciolina /Milano Violenta/ Pupo fans like me.....: without the MAMAS & PAPAS example/formula it'll be practically IMPOSSIBLE the birth of our "mythical" trash-nazional-popolare group I RICCHI E POVERI (ha ha!). SO eternal gratitude to them:)
(p.s. SORRY for my BENIGNI-like english oops!:)
Labels: Reviews M
e di "I saw her again last night" che dire?
yeah, bellissima anche quella!
..from Poland: "your site is really interesting,..try to write more in english!"...grazie:)
p.s: Pibio, help, uno non è utente di blogger e vuole postare un comment come voleva fare 'sta ragazza polacca,...che c...o deve
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